2023 Nov 19 | Lama Linda | Elements of the Path

Taught by Lama Linda

Nov 19, 2023 from 2:00-4:00pm 

Lama Linda, aka Lama Chodron

Lama Linda will teach via Zoom (Access here). Attend remotely or join a group of us attending via Zoom at Ekoji Buddhist Sangha (directions to Ekoji here)

Lama’s workshop will cover the basic elements of the traditional path of practice within the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, and how we might practice them meaningfully in our time and culture, including:

  • the purpose of the path – what draws us to these practices,  what are we ultimately trying to accomplish, and what is the role of lineage?
  • the individual elements or different types of practice on the Kagyu path
  • how to balance these elements in our own personal practice
  • available resources to help us travel the path (including but not limited to the lineage and its teachers, our monastery and dharma center, various online curricula and programs, resources outside the lineage, etc. 

Our resident teacher is Lama Chödron, also known as Lama Linda. You can see videos of her teachings on our Learn More page. Lama Linda’s formal practice in the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism began in 1980. She served as resident instructor at Kagyu Samten Chöling in New Hampshire from 2000-2007, and completed the traditional three-year retreat at PTC in 2011. At PTC, she has served on the teaching staff and as an assistant in the three-year retreat. Besides PST, she teaches at other centers, including Palpung Drupchu Chodzong, in Washington, DC.  

Suggested donation $10-20. Any amount is welcome, and no one will be questioned or turned away for lack of funds. Use button below to donate via PayPal or credit card, or donate by check/cash/credit card if you come in person.
Questions? email PST@ekojirichmond.org