books & links


Many wonderful books on dharma are out there! Here are a few that we read and use in our weekly practice. 

Open Heart, Clear Mind, by Ven. Thubten Chodron A practical introduction to Tibetan Buddhism. This can help you frame how to explain your practice to others, like your parents or friends. 
via amazon

Chenrezig: Lord of Love, by Bokar Rinpoche · A clear and concise book on our core practice: perfect for beginners and experienced people.
paperback via amazon · kindle via amazon 

Meditation: Advice to Beginners, by Bokar Rinpoche · The title is a little modest: this is a profound work—but it’s simple, too. 
via amazon

The Great Path of Awakening, by Jamgon Kongtrul · How to live a life dedicated to helping other beings—and in the process, discovering the true nature of reality, enlightenment. It embraces philosophy as well as practical methods for training the mind. The teaching is based on a text handed down from the twelfth century. via amazon

Pema Chodron is an American Buddhist nun in the lineage of Chogyam Trungpa. She is resident teacher at Gampo Abbey in Nova Scotia, the first Tibetan monastery in North America established for Westerners. She is also the author of many books and audiobooks, which are especially helpful to new practitioners. Here is Pema Chodron’s amazon author page


Lama Chodron’s blog three ways of knowing

Online magazine Shenpen Ösel · The teachings of recognized and fully qualified lamas and teachers, with an emphasis on the Karma Kagyu and the Shangpa Kagyu lineages. Issues include detailed teachings on Medicine Buddha practice.

Teachings by HH Karmapa, the head of our lineage youtube HH Karmapa channel

Office of His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje. Includes teachings, schedules, affiliated dharma centers. 

Dharma stuff – books, beads, bowls, etc. This links to the Karmapa’s North American dharma center, Karma Triyana Dharmachakra Namse Bangdzo bookstore